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Picture of horse and rider jumping a standard.
Picture of dressage rider on horse
Picture of western rider sliding in the ring riding a horse
Rider's Relief™
Picture of jockey on horse
Close up picture of a polo match
6 different pictures of people working with horses
Picture of Mortimer the pug in a tuxedo
Picture of Mortimer the pug in a tuxedo
Rider's Relief™
Rider's Relief™

Why Equestrians Choose Rider's Relief™

Silhouette of Rider on Horse
Women Owned Business Badge
Silhouette of the State of Wisconsin
Send Us Those Pictures! Rider's loves to celebrate our patrons and everything they accomplish when they find relief!
Send Us Those Pictures! Rider's loves to celebrate our patrons and everything they accomplish when they find relief!



Rider's Relief™

"Once a skeptic, now a believer! So, I have a disease called Terminal Uniqueness. I feel that no one can relate to the struggles I deal with a result of breaking my back 13 years ago. That riding accident left me with rods and screws in my spine. I had a burst fracture of L1 that nearly severed my spinal cord. So years later, I still ride of course! But deal with all sorts of levels of pain and anxiety. I started using Riders Relief for my "lesson/horse showing anxiety". You know... the self doubt, "the jumps look huge, I can't find a distance to save my life". I noticed and felt an immediate difference. My anxiety was LEGIT gone. I was able to walk into the show ring or a lesson with confidence in myself. Recently I started to self wean myself off strong pain medication that I have been on for 13 years. I thought I will give these gummies a try. For the first time, I have found something that alleviates the daily pain and anxieties I face as a result of my accident. It is amazing to see and feel the difference in my every day life and riding career. Now onto my special needs boxer bulldog. Not only does Symon have a progressive nuerological condition (cerebellum Abiotrophy), but he is also bionic like me with hardware! He was hit by a car as a pup before I rescued him and broke both back legs. One leg has a rod in it and hips were a candidate for surgery at a young age. He has been on several things over the years, both holistic and prescription. We are still early in the dog treats, however I have noticed more stability in his joints. This is huge for a neurological dog who's nick name is Weeble Wobble because he falls... alot!! Thank you Rider's Relief for giving me confidence and the ability to function in my every day life and riding career. But most importantly, thank you for giving Symon a better quality of life, even with a neurological condition!

Hayley K.